
One Hour Husband

Traditional unwelcome it, it welcomed by the unconventional. Right or wrong it is a newly growing trend in the IT corridors and newly developing suburbs. It is also an out product of the different racial and linguistic interactions in the society. Relying on other people’s husband when they are boyfriend less. We cannot claim that such person is insane to their acts, they are all well sane and clear of their relationships. Not North West with Kim Kardashian nor Brad Pitt with Angelina Jolie got promoted from one hour husband to 24 hours duty, it also sad that they were legally broken in latter days.

Today women choose one hour husband who were legally the other women’ legal husbands. The reason not to fell in the matrimonial bondage but to reap the benefits of the matrimonial bondage except bearing children’s, some times in a longer relationship they bear children’s also for the one-hour husband.

To entertain, to share meals and cocktails, to share bed, to provide the basic amenities, to share the household works, going out, sharing weekends, dropping in work place, chatting, sharing pleasures and worries, take care of vehicles, filing the loneliness etc., and extra matters.

The male counter parts feels that the wife is Chilly and the bed sharer is Gilly. They feel comfortable love along with compassionate. These are the tricky relationship that can put an end at any time when one of the parties feels to quit. These kinds of relationships are quite common among single mom’s, widows, working women’s living separately. They feel this kind of relationship is better to them, hence they have no legalities when are departed. No alimony, No court cases, no bondages in the future and the trauma of the legal battles.

The real wife has difficulty in smelling this kind of relationship because this relationship is only for a duration of one hour in morning or in evening or at both times. When wife give troubles, the husband then makes themselves forward with a divorce petition in the court. Sometimes the husband permanently moves towards the one-hour wife. Some the female lead will stop the one-hour husband relationship. If the husband fails to play in a proper manner, then it may arise to complicated and complex legal problems. Indian laws give such kind of relationship as adultery.

In such kind of situation, the widows choose to travel in a legal way by putting an end to the legal relationship of the one-hour husband with his first wife. In case of single mom on the comfort and social aspects they also try to claim legal status. For others they take don’t care policy when problem arises.

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