I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 32’ – a bold statement made by Sophie Atherton to ‘The Guardian”. Sophie Atherton is a freelance journalist who specializes in writing about women’s issues, feminism and beer. Virginity is defined by the Oxford dictionary as the state of never having had sexual intercourse. In
entomology it is defined as a female insect that produces eggs without being fertilized. But it also refers to a person who is naive, innocent, or inexperienced in a particular context. Whatever it may be but the world perceives that if a girl is married then she loses his virginity. And when the marriage is broken, she is treated as the second-hand goods in the marriage industry.
Here I teach how to have a second marriage without losing virginity. A marriage will be broken down due to many unexpected encounters and the affected party tries to correct the others mistakes and waste the time in the matrimonial life. The affected party branded herself as the wife of the defected party. Few years before I met a highly religious and orthodox girl who met her husband at her first night in a fully drunken state. The marriage broken when he enters her room itself. The next morning elders decided to put an end of a 50 lakhs costly marriage in the church. The parents contacted me and I advised them to save the girl from the matrimonial tie-up without losing her virginity.
Deepak Tijori the 90s star who swims in the Bollywood waters for long years obtained null and void from Shivani Tomar, a Bollywood lead after living as a husband and wife even after going a marriage ceremony 20 years before for the reason the first marriage of Shivani Tomar was still subsisting and she has not obtained divorce from her first husband and she has undergone a marriage ceremony with Deepak Tijori. In this marriage even both Deepak and Shivani has sexual intercourse for 20 years, the court has declared the marriage between them is null and void.
Indian court also grant the same null and void for non-consumption of marriages. The question before the young couples is what is the non-consumption of marriages. Both the civil laws and religious laws emphasis to put an end to a marriage when a marriage was not consummated between the parties to the marriage.
When there was no sexual intercourse between the men and women after marriage then it comes under non consumption of marriage. Few years back I met a man where he complains me that the boyfriend of the bride came to the marriage place and a big quarrel took place between the bride and her boyfriend in the marriage hall. Thereafter even though the marriage is performed they never lived as a husband and wife for single day. I advised them to dissolve their marriage without losing their virginity. Some people asked me that when a wife is using pills or any contraception to avoid comes under non consumption of
marriage. Some religious doctrines accept this ground under non consumption of marriage. All over world when a person gets a null and void of his or her marriage under non consumption of marriage, it is believed and the decree has the legal sanctity that there was no sexual inter course took place under their marriage.
Even null and void has several formats but undergoing a second marriage without losing virginity can be obtained by the null and void decree under the ground of non-consumption of marriage. Refusal or wilful refusal to perform the sexual intercourse after marriage comes under non consumption of marriage. And inability to perform a sexual inter course after the marriage is also comes under the non-consumption of marriage. Non consumption of marriage is not the satisfaction in the sexual inter course but the non-performance of the very being of the sexual act itself.
There are many Shakespeare’s Othello who were not consummated with the Desdemona’s in the modern world. Women rose to place most of their self-esteem and identity in virginity can have a tough time. For them taking on a new role as a married woman and a new identity as a sexual human being, is difficult. Non consumption in many marriages is due to the compulsive marriages for the daughters in rare instances it may happen to sons also. Parents refusal to marry the loved ones is also a major cause for the non-consumption of marriage. The failed surgeries like hymenectomy are also a reason in the
medical field. Even gynaecological problems also lead for non-consumption of marriage. Medical grounds such as Erectile dysfunction and Vulvodynia problems facing by females are also the common cause. Sexual dysfunctions like Vaginismus & low desire in females & Erectile Dysfunction and premature ejaculation, low desire in males are the major reasons for non-consumption of marriages. Today there are thousands of Shakespeare’s Othello’s are undergoing the same problems. Only thing to announce to the
world is early decision to get null and void under non consumption of marriage. One intelligent move makes them to have a second marriage without losing their virginity.
Second Marriage Without losing Virginity by the First Marriage